Kibana Anomaly Alerts by PartitionField

I currently have a working anomaly detection job for which i have configured my detector as: high_count over partitionfield=Supervisor.resource.type

For my alerts, I'd like to get an alert for the highest anomaly for each partitioned resource.type. However, i only get alerts on the anomaly with the highest score across all resource.types

For other non-anomaly-detection related alerts, I've used the group-by field to get a similar result. When setting up the partitionField for anomaly-alert, I assumed it would be same or similar.

Is there a way to get the highest anomaly detected per partitionField ?

Did you create an alert of type "Record", "Bucket", or "Influencer"?

Yes. I've tried all of them. But my preference is to stick with type "Record"

You could create an ES|QL based Rule/Alert where you can find the max record_score per partition: