I have been trying to configure a bettermap widget in Kibana using some
custom (non Logstash) data but the widget never renders the map and only
shows a graphic making one believe it is working. I have tested the curl
command issued by bettermap which appears to be working properly. The
"Coordinate Field" value is "pin.location" which should be setup properly
as an array ([lon,lat]) as this field contains data like, "pin.location" :
[ "[-73.630000,42.680000]" ].
I understand that this widget is experimental; however, is it only designed
to work with Logstash? If not, are there any other bettermap reference
documents than on the ES site because that page is extremely lean and I
have exhausted all of my other options.
Hello, i think pin.location must like this: location: [-0.125532746315002,51.5084152563931], then must work..
I am also want some help from Kibana usersteam, i am showing location in bettermap, but i want to connect them by some line, Is it possible in bettermap? Please tell me asap
The field has to be a numeric type (for example, double) containing 2
values in lon, lat sequence. Try double checking your mapping to make sure
it is not a string or something else.
I cannot see any way ES would view the long/lat values as strings and had
also tried other geoip standards to no avail. My biggest issue is the
terrible or non-existent messages from ES or Kibana that could help shed
light on the issue. I guess bettermap is truly experimenal and not really
worth my time banging my head against my desk at this time. I will continue
to try and find better options (maybe not cheaper) during my
discover/prototyping stage.
On Friday, May 30, 2014 3:34:30 PM UTC-6, Binh Ly wrote:
The field has to be a numeric type (for example, double) containing 2
values in lon, lat sequence. Try double checking your mapping to make sure
it is not a string or something else.
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