Kibana Blank Page After Deleting Index

Without the ability to reproduce it myself I depend on you to help me narrow down the cause. Feel free to bail out if you can not afford the time. :wink:

From the screenshot it looks like this is happening when using the Chrome browser. Since we can not get a look at the developer console of a crashed tab (I think), it would be helpful to start Chrome on the command-line with logging enabled via the --enable-logging --v=1 arguments. This will produce a chrome_debug.log file in the user data directory, which might contain hints as to the piece of javascript that causes the tab to crash.

Aside from that it might be helpful to play around with the time filter and index patterns matching various subsets of indices to derive a minimal example that can reliably crash the tab.

Additionally, it might be useful to know if the same situation in another browser (e.g. Firefox) leads to similar effects.


As soon as I can, I will add that and see what I get.

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