Kibana Browser Session not active for the set time

We are trying to keep the browser sessions alive for a long time for some of the usecases we have and below are the setting i have used. Note the encryption key and sessionTimeout is commented out for the 7.6 version. I also noticed the "sessionTimeout" setting is no more available.
Please let us know the correct way to keep a browser session alive (weeks or longer). We are using mostly chrome. "1Y" "1Y" "9tGlhjgkfkfkgfkfkhfkffk" "10000000000"

Referring to:

With values we have set in config, we are seeing that the session is not staying active.

Also what we noticed with the latest version is that when you refresh, and it goes to login prompt; that takes a longer time as it causes laptop cpu to go 90-100%. Once you login, the ‘Loading Kibana’ step is also much slower than previous release.



I am going to try this in my local and buzz you back.


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