Kibana Canvas Share: "Copy POST URL" error

I'm trying to generate a Watcher Report with Kibana Canvas 7.5.0, but when going to Canvas "Share"->"PDF Reports"->"Copy POST URL" the url I'm getting is something like:
https://<cloud-id> (with cloud-id being my actual id)

This does not seem to be the correct url needed for the Automatic report generation (doc)

Is this "Copy" button working correctly on Canvas? Because doing the same on the regular Kibana Dashboards it gives me the correct url with many jobParams like this:

Yeah I am not sure whats happening here. I will keep you posted.


So there is an actual bug here - and its going to get fixed in 7.5.2 (upcoming)

This was also a regression in 7.5.0 . So you would be fine in previous versions.
As a workaround - you can try passing the json payload to the request -

curl 'http://user:pass@localhost:5601/vlq/api/reporting/generate/printablePdf' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'kbn-xsrf: professionally-crafted-string-of-text'  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  --data-binary 
```{"jobParams":"(browserTimezone:America/Phoenix,layout:(dimensions:(height:2570,width:1100),id:preserve_layout),objectType:\'canvas workpad\',relativeUrls:\u0021(/app/canvas#/export/workpad/pdf/<workpad id>/page/1),title:\'example workpad\')"}' --compressed

Hope that helps


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