Kibana.crt, no such file or directory

I have existing cert in config/certs/kibana.crt and I have also mentioned it into kibana.yml as server.ssl.certificate : config/certs/kibana.crt. Still I am not able to start my Kibana instance. Getting Error like

log [07:55:15.910] [fatal][root] { Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'config/certs/kibana.crt'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:439:3)
at readFileSync (fs.js:344:35)
at getServerOptions (/opt/kibana-7.4.0-linux-x86_64/src/core/server/http/http_tools.js:77:34)
at HttpServer.setup (/opt/kibana-7.4.0-linux-x86_64/src/core/server/http/http_server.js:68:60)
at HttpService.runNotReadyServer (/opt/kibana-7.4.0-linux-x86_64/src/core/server/http/http_service.js:137:26)
at HttpService.setup (/opt/kibana-7.4.0-linux-x86_64/src/core/server/http/http_service.js:60:18)
errno: -2,
syscall: 'open',
code: 'ENOENT',
path: 'config/certs/kibana.crt' }

This looks like a file path issue. I would recommend using an absolute path rather than a relative path.

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