Kibana dashboard for ES cluster monitoring


I have 2 separate ES clusters. One is dedicated to monitoring. I followed these instructions

On the monitoring cluster I have "metricbeat-7.8.1-2020.08.14" indice populated by with data sent by metricbeats elasticsearch module.

I want to create a dashboard, but I can't find any elasticsearch dashboard template in the list.

With merticbeats, I have launch the command "./metricbeat setup --dashboards" with success, but still no dashboard for elasticsearch in the list.

Any suggestions ?



I don't think it loads any special dashboard.

you need to go to "stack monitoring" it is heart looking icon on left pan.


I tried this also.

I went in "Stack Monitoring" and I have the messsage " No monitoring data found".
When I click on "Set up monitoring with Metricbeat", I have the following error message "Setup mode is not available. You do not have the necessary permissions to do this."

Elastic security features are disabled.


what is the user you logging in to as? elastic?

None. I am not prompted for login.

I have these settings
- xpack.license.self_generated.type=basic

I don't want enable any not free feature.


yes that is fine. but you should look in to it. basic license is free and has so many feature, like
tenent-user setup which will be very useful.

anyway do you have enable metricbeat collection true and legacy monitor false? because you can use only one at a time

PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled": true

this one disables old style collection. 
PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.collection.enabled": false

you can execute this from kibana developer tool

then stop start everything if you only on test systems. you can also put this on all elasticserach.yml file


I just did this on the monitoring cluster and restart everything.
Now, on the monitoring cluster I have acces to monitoring of my local monitoring cluster + 2 metricbeats but only with few system metrics. I still can't see any monitoring data related to my production elasticsearch cluster (event if the "metricbeat-7.8.1-2020.08.14" collection contains informations related to shards, docs, ... of the remote production cluster).

Anyway thank you for your help.


Did you use this module -

Hi Warkolm,

Yes I did.

I work under Docker with docker-compose in order to implement this architecture :

  • one production cluster without any monitoring (Kibana is used only for Stack Managment and Dev Tools)
    • 3 es container
    • 1 kibana container
    • 1 metricbeats container for es module
    • 1 metricbeats container for system module
  • one monitoring cluster (monitor the production server)
    • 2 es container
    • 1 kibana container

Reference :

According to Sachin response, my question is not anymore about finding a Kibana dashboard for ES Cluster monitoring, but about correctly visualize production cluster monitoring informations under the "Stack Monitoring" of the monitoring cluster. I can't find ES metrics, but only few system metrics.

Everything is here :



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