Kibana Dashboard issue

Hello all,

I am using a Lens to try and display the "Last value" of some data based on two included keys "processing" and "awaiting_processing". I am using simple default formulas like last_value(extra.processing) and the visualization looks as desired when editing the lens

but different when viewing the lens outside of edit mode (like it is just counting the keys)

Any insights into what I could be doing wrong? Thanks!


Welcome to the community.

Ideally there should not be any issue as i tried using last_value for a particulars field & same was shown in Dashboard as well :

Could you please check/share the configuration once again when it is saved , it seems your configuration is not saved to last_value when you are editing , try to save the changes and check ?


Thanks for the response! It looks like it is saved to last value for each field, but I certainly could be misunderstanding something

The formula being applied is last_value(extra.processing, kql='extra.processing: *')

I'm experiencing this with another Lens on the same dashboard as well. On other dashboards I do not see this problem :thinking: Could it be a dashboard configuration?

Thanks for the update.
We can try to use this lens on a new dashboard to rule out this issue.

After more digging, it looks like in edit mode, the data comes from a dev db and in view mode it comes from prod :person_shrugging:

Ohh weird. So in short the data you are able to see in View mode is correct.

yes thanks!