Kibana DDOS dashboard - Detailed dashboard

I'm finding it a little challenging in developing dashboards beyond a line and pie chart. Looking for advice from kibana experts who can guide me towards resources or personal tips and tricks.

Given the python script, dataset (metadata), and screenshots what line of code or data am I missing to achieving the "desired dashboard" (pictured below)?

I will attach my current dashboard progress and dataset link for reference.

My goal is to use DDOS datasets to generate intricate dashboards and insightful GUIs, and use that as a template later for when I want to run real data and apply Machine Learning on top of it.

Dataset Link: DDoS 2019 | Datasets | Research | Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity | UNB

csv files

Python Script

import glob
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers
from elasticsearch import ElasticsearchException
import csv
import json

path = "*.csv"

mapping = {
    "settings": {
        "number_of_shards": "2",
        "number_of_replicas": "0"},
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "Timestamp": {
                "type": "date",
                "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"
            "Unnamed: 0": {
                "type": "long"
            "Flow ID": {
                "type": "text"
            },"Source IP":{"type":"keyword"},"Source Port":{"type":"long"},"Destination IP":{"type":"keyword"},"Destination Port":{"type":"long"},"Protocol":{"type":"long"},"Flow Duration":{"type":"long"},"Total Fwd Packets":{"type":"long"},"Total Backward Packets":{"type":"long"},"Total Length of Fwd Packets":{"type":"long"},"Total Length of Bwd Packets":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Packet Length Max":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Packet Length Min":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Packet Length Mean":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Packet Length Std":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Packet Length Max":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Packet Length Min":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Packet Length Mean":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Packet Length Std":{"type":"long"},"Flow Bytes/s":{"type":"long"},"Flow Packets/s":{"type":"long"},"Flow IAT Mean":{"type":"long"},"Flow IAT Std":{"type":"long"},"Flow IAT Max":{"type":"long"},"Flow IAT Min":{"type":"long"},"Fwd IAT Total":{"type":"long"},"Fwd IAT Mean":{"type":"long"},"Fwd IAT Std":{"type":"long"},"Fwd IAT Max":{"type":"long"},"Fwd IAT Min":{"type":"long"},"Bwd IAT Total":{"type":"long"},"Bwd IAT Mean":{"type":"long"},"Bwd IAT Std":{"type":"long"},"Bwd IAT Max":{"type":"long"},"Bwd IAT Min":{"type":"long"},"Fwd PSH Flags":{"type":"long"},"Bwd PSH Flags":{"type":"long"},"Fwd URG Flags":{"type":"long"},"Bwd URG Flags":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Header Length":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Header Length":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Packets/s":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Packets/s":{"type":"long"},"Min Packet Length":{"type":"long"},"Max Packet Length":{"type":"long"},"Packet Length Mean":{"type":"long"},"Packet Length Std":{"type":"long"},"Packet Length Variance":{"type":"long"},"FIN Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"SYN Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"RST Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"PSH Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"ACK Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"URG Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"CWE Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"ECE Flag Count":{"type":"long"},"Down/Up Ratio":{"type":"long"},"Average Packet Size":{"type":"long"},"Avg Fwd Segment Size":{"type":"long"},"Avg Bwd Segment Size":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Header Length1":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk":{"type":"long"},"Fwd Avg Bulk Rate":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Avg Packets/Bulk":{"type":"long"},"Bwd Avg Bulk Rate":{"type":"long"},"Subflow Fwd Packets":{"type":"long"},"Subflow Fwd Bytes":{"type":"long"},"Subflow Bwd Packets":{"type":"long"},"Subflow Bwd Bytes":{"type":"long"},"Init_Win_bytes_forward":{"type":"long"},"Init_Win_bytes_backward":{"type":"long"},"act_data_pkt_fwd":{"type":"long"},"min_seg_size_forward":{"type":"long"},"Active Mean":{"type":"long"},"Active Std":{"type":"long"},"Active Max":{"type":"long"},"Active Min":{"type":"long"},"Idle Mean":{"type":"long"},"Idle Std":{"type":"long"},"Idle Max":{"type":"long"},"Idle Min":{"type":"long"},"SimillarHTTP":{"type":"text"},"Inbound":{"type":"long"},"Label":{"type":"keyword"}}}}

for url in glob.glob(path):
    index_name = "fort_"url.split('.')[0].lower()
    es = Elasticsearch([''])
    print(es.indices.delete(index=index_name, ignore=[400, 404]))
    response = es.indices.create(
        ignore=400  # ignore 400 already exists code
    print('response:', response)
    iterator = 0
    batch = 0
    tmp_array = []
    batch_size = 200
    with open(url) as csv_file:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
        next(csv_reader, None)
        for line in csv_reader:
            iterator = iterator  1
            if iterator == batch_size  1:
                batch = batch  1
                print(str(batch)  'th batch processed..')
                actions = []
                for row in tmp_array:
                    doc = {
                        'Unnamed 0': row[0],
                        'Flow ID': row[1],
                        'Source IP': row[2],
                        'Source Port': row[3],
                        'Destination IP': row[4],
                        'Destination Port': row[5],
                        'Protocol': row[6],
                        'Timestamp': row[7],
                        'Flow Duration': row[8],
                        'Total Fwd Packets': row[9],
                        'Total Backward Packets': row[10],
                        'Total Length of Fwd Packets': row[11],
                        'Total Length of Bwd Packets': row[12],
                        'Fwd Packet Length Max': row[13],
                        'Fwd Packet Length Min': row[14],
                        'Fwd Packet Length Mean': row[15],
                        'Fwd Packet Length Std': row[16],
                        'Bwd Packet Length Max': row[17],
                        'Bwd Packet Length Min': row[18],
                        'Bwd Packet Length Mean': row[19],
                        'Bwd Packet Length Std': row[20],
                        'Flow Bytes': row[21],
                        'Flow Packets': row[22],
                        'Flow IAT Mean': row[23],
                        'Flow IAT Std': row[24],
                        'Flow IAT Max': row[25],
                        'Flow IAT Min': row[26],
                        'Fwd IAT Total': row[27],
                        'Fwd IAT Mean': row[28],
                        'Fwd IAT Std': row[29],
                        'Fwd IAT Max': row[30],
                        'Fwd IAT Min': row[31],
                        'Bwd IAT Total': row[32],
                        'Bwd IAT Mean': row[33],
                        'Bwd IAT Std': row[34],
                        'Bwd IAT Max': row[35],
                        'Bwd IAT Min': row[36],
                        'Fwd PSH Flags': row[37],
                        'Bwd PSH Flags': row[38],
                        'Fwd URG Flags': row[39],
                        'Bwd URG Flags': row[40],
                        'Fwd Header Length': row[41],
                        'Bwd Header Length': row[42],
                        'Fwd Packetss': row[43],
                        'Bwd Packets': row[44],
                        'Min Packet Length': row[45],
                        'Max Packet Length': row[46],
                        'Packet Length Mean': row[47],
                        'Packet Length Std': row[48],
                        'Packet Length Variance': row[49],
                        'FIN Flag Count': row[50],
                        'SYN Flag Count': row[51],
                        'RST Flag Count': row[52],
                        'PSH Flag Count': row[53],
                        'ACK Flag Count': row[54],
                        'URG Flag Count': row[55],
                        'CWE Flag Count': row[56],
                        'ECE Flag Count': row[57],
                        'Down_Up Ratio': row[58],
                        'Average Packet Size': row[59],
                        'Avg Fwd Segment Size': row[60],
                        'Avg Bwd Segment Size': row[61],
                        'Fwd Header Length1': row[62],
                        'Fwd Avg Bytes_Bulk': row[63],
                        'Fwd Avg Packets_Bulk': row[64],
                        'Fwd Avg Bulk Rate': row[65],
                        'Bwd Avg Bytes_Bulk': row[66],
                        'Bwd Avg Packets_Bulk': row[67],
                        'Bwd Avg Bulk Rate': row[68],
                        'Subflow Fwd Packets': row[69],
                        'Subflow Fwd Bytes': row[70],
                        'Subflow Bwd Packets': row[71],
                        'Subflow Bwd Bytes': row[72],
                        'Init_Win_bytes_forward': row[73],
                        'Init_Win_bytes_backward': row[74],
                        'act_data_pkt_fwd': row[75],
                        'min_seg_size_forward': row[76],
                        'Active Mean': row[77],
                        'Active Std': row[78],
                        'Active Max': row[79],
                        'Active Min': row[80],
                        'Idle Mean': row[81],
                        'Idle Std': row[82],
                        'Idle Max': row[83],
                        'Idle Min': row[84],
                        'SimillarHTTP': row[85],
                        'Inbound': row[86],
                        'Label': row[87]
                    action = [{"_source": doc}]
                    response = helpers.bulk(es, actions, index=index_name)
                    print("\nRESPONSE:", response)
                except ElasticsearchException as e:
                    print("\nERROR:", e)
                iterator = 0
                tmp_array = []

The desired dashboard as follows:

YT video: Ai-Driven Threat Detection & Response – Vectra Webinar - YouTube


Here's one hint, if you can't find a fitting visualization for your Task in Kibana, you could use Vega, which offers infinite possibilities to create custom ones:


Thanks, Matthias, I am checking the links now.

I think this has a mix of points to consider:

  1. You don't even need the Python script; Machine Learning -> Data Visualizer is probably a lot quicker to upload the data.
  2. The visualizations you want to create are a mix of what we have prebuilt in the Security menu item (especially in combination with the built-in rules), ML jobs, and maybe some more custom visualizations. But it would require a better understanding of what data you have and what you want to get out of it.
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I agree with #1. That's another problem I have with elastic, the Data Visualizer is giving me an upload error message even with a simple 100 lines csv dataset. Hence the switch to python scripts (2nd easiest option).

Are you talking about vega, when saying custom visualizations? Is there a resource I can read or watch where the custom visualizations are explained? A tutorial perhaps? other than what Matthias Wilhelm has stated above.

I had a quick look at the dataset but could only see two very large zipped CSV files (more than 100MB each). Is that what you're trying to upload there?

I think working on visualizations mostly needs some trial and error, so starting with the documentation and then trying to build something is IMO the best approach :slight_smile:

I cut the data to 1000 lines using the command line. Still gave the error messages.

Tried different available DDoS datasets (CAIDA, KDD, Kaggle), and did a lot of trial and error with the lens options, and failed :frowning_face: . Which is how I found out about vega-lite and D3js.

Do you happen to have one of those files around so we could try that out and at least understand where it's failing?

Can i upload a csv file here?

Not here directly, but any public link (Dropbox, Google Drive, Github,...) should be fine.

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