Kibana development environment issue

hi team, just trying to set dev environment and encounter the issue on the stage of installing yarn . it says "Kibana does not support the current Node.js version v10.15.3. Please use Node.js v10.15.2.". Using 6.6.2

We require that you use a certain version of Node.js to develop with Kibana. I suggest checking out nvm for managing Node versions (it's what our devs tend to use). Once you have it installed you can just run nvm use inside the Kibana directory to switch to the right version.

Hi , i did "nvm use v10.15.2" but after installing yarn it refferes to same error "Kibana does not support the current Node.js version v10.15.3. Please use Node.js v10.15.2"

I've seen this problem happen when install yarn via Homebrew or other package managers. How have you installed yarn?

Here's some steps that may help:

$ brew uninstall yarn # or uninstall with another package manager
$ nvm install 10.15.2
$ nvm alias default 10.15.2
$ nvm use 10.15.2
$ node --version # check that this is correct, if not nvm may not be setup correctly in your shell
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn kbn bootstrap

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