Kibana - discover - group by exception.ClassName

Hi, I would like to visualize the logs with every 'exception.ClassName' different,
I mean, if I have 30 logs with the same 'exception.ClassName', it should appear one time, because otherwise, it's very difficult to manage the differents errors.

I can filter properly, but I have many errors with the same name and I don't know how can I group it.

Many thanks in advance.

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This can be accomplished by using a Unique Count aggregation in the Metrics of a visualization.

thanks for your reply,

using 'count' aggregation, and filter by level: error, I can see just the number of distinct errors,
but I can see the error details, I mean, I have 2 differents errors, but I would like to know more details about the type of error. Is it possible?
Many thanks in advance.

Perhaps you can use a Data Table visualization similar to this demo.

This demo uses sub-buckets to group by email, first name, and last name. It provides a unique count of IP addresses and a total count of all activity.

I suspect you could do something similar with a Terms Aggregation on the exception.ClassName field and adding sub-bucket Terms aggregations for other fields you want to know about.

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