Kibana doesn't show any results in “Discover” tab

I setup elasticsearch and Kibana for indexing our application's Elmah errors. The issue is that Kibana doesn't display any data in the "Discover" tab.

Current situation Elasticsearch is up and running, responds to API executing a query directly on Elasticsearch like http://localhost:9200/eol/_search?q=* returns lots of results

Kibana is up and running, even finds the "eol" index exposed by Elasticsearch Kibana also shows the correct properties and data type of the "eol" documents "Discover" tab doesn't show any results...even when setting the time period to a couple of years...
I have tried Delete the index from the Settings tab, restart Kibana, then re-adding index in Settings.
I have also tried to save the date field with a yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss format but I still do not see any results.

I believe the issue is with the Elmah UTC date format. An example of a Elmah date is 2015-10-13T19:54:49.4547709Z.

Any ideas??

Here's how Kibana sees the "eol" index:

..and what I see in the discover tab:

You might delete that index from elasticsearch.

I have tried Delete the index from the Settings tab, restart Kibana, then re-adding index in Settings.
I have also tried to save the date field with a yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss format but I still do not see any results.