Kibana Fleet shows Self Signed Certificate in Certificate Chain

I have just run through the Elasticstack 8 instructions on Docker and have been able to get Elastic and Kibana up. However, when I click on Fleet in kibana, I get a message:

"Error connecting to package registry...Reason: Self Signed certificate in certification chain." I only get this error when I am connected to my company's VPN. From what I am told, this is due to Kibana receiving our company's inter cert that is swapped out near the edge of the network. I was told that I would either need to import the Company's Certificate and then configure the certs for Linux or the JVM.

I am unsure what steps I should take next and could use any words of wisdom or help

Thank you


I was able to resolve this by suppling the root ca that my company uses and configuring the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable. For example:

docker run --name kibana \
    --net elastic \
    -v $(pwd)/npmcerts.pem:/tmp/npmcerts.pem \
    -e NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/tmp/npmcerts.pem \
    -p 5601:5601 \

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