Kibana(Group By Date, Get column with not '-' values

Hi Team,
I have a row let's say
ProcessId, TimeStamp, isvcTransactionId, instanceId
-> a, b, c, null
-> a, b, null, d
-> a, b, null, -
-> a, b, null, e

I want to create a single row in visualization or aggregation like this(using Common Timestamp)
-> ProcessId, TimeStamp, isvcTransactionId, instanceId
-> a, b, c, d

I am using aggregation-based, but it concatenates the last 2 rows
and the result I get

ProcessId, TimeStamp, isvcTransactionId, instanceId
-> a, b, c, [d,-,e]

As I want to filter c, and d,e in the future, How can I achieve this? I am okay with concatenation but I can't filter on individual values of a concatenated list


Which version of the stack are you using? and where and which kind of visualization you are trying to make? Which type in aggregation-based?
