KIbana Installation Fails

I am installing Kibana for the first time. I am installing on Windows 10. The installation fails. First I get the error:

>  [error][savedobjects-service] [.kibana] Action failed with 'Request timed out'. Retrying attempt 6 in 64 seconds.

The script retries for 15 times after which I get the following error and script ends:

>  **FATAL  Error: Unable to complete saved object migrations for the [.kibana] index: Unable to complete the CREATE_NEW_TARGET step after 15 attempts, terminating.**

I am not sure what saved object the script is migrating. This is the very first installation I am doing. I tried running the kibana.bat file again, I still end up with the same error.

Any help?

EDIT: I downloaded the Kibana installation file and followed the instructions given in the below link. Not following any tutorial for installation:

Hi, can you update the question with a link to the tutorial / guide you are following? So that the others can try to replicate the issue.

I have not followed any tutorial...i just downloaded and followed the steps given in the following link:

There isn't much I am doing apart from unzipping and running the kibana.bat file as per this link.

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