Kibana is showing wrong timestamp when it is correct in logstash

Dear Team,
Kindly help me how to get correct timestamp as base from csv file in kibana for visualization.

because of timestamp i am unable to visualize charts.

Below is kibana showing timestamp

  "_index": "energy",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "FlBwf4555a1PovFz",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": 0,
  "_source": {
    "path": "C:/User/Downloads/Powerdata.csv",
     "Data_Type_Filter": "FALSE",
    "today_filter": "FALSE",
    **"@timestamp": "2020-04-05T13:19:00.141Z",**
       **"tags": [**
**      "_dateparsefailure"**
**    ],**
    "TodnYest": "FALSE",
    "P_calc": "2.353",
    "data_type": "P_Area",
    "P_Area_for_1": "0.007130303",
    "@version": "1",
      "Local_Time": [
      "3/27/2020 22:23",
    "TestCurrentTemp": "84\\xF8C",
    "Parameter_Value": null
  "fields": {
    **"@timestamp": [**
**      "2020-04-05T13:19:00.141Z"**
**    ]**

below is logstash showing timestamp.

        "Current_Time" => "3/30/2020 20:24",
             "user_id" => "CAL_189",
             "Data_Type_Filter" => "FALSE",
               "path" => "C:/User/Downloads/Powerdata.csv",
               "@version" => "1",
                "P_Area_for_1": "0.007130303",
           "timestamp" => "3/31/2020 0:27\\r",
          ****"@timestamp" => 2020-01-30T12:57:00.000Z** ---> " this timestamp should be show in kibana "**

Kindly help me

Have you verified that the timestamps are being correctly indexed using the dev tools? Please confirm using the docvalue_fields: ["@timestamp"] request, instead of looking at _source.

Okay @wylie Sure will look into it. Thanks

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