Kibana LDAP integration

Hi ,

I have installed trial license in elastic search.
We are trying to secure kibana dashboard using ldap integration.
Is this the documentation i should be following

Cause in the docs it says to Add a realm configuration of type ldap to elasticsearch.yml

Sould we add setting in elasticsearch for kibana ldap?


What version of Elasticsearch and Kibana are you using? The docs you linked to are for a slightly older version, and it would be best to be able to point you to docs for the version that you are actually running.

Sould we add setting in elasticsearch for kibana ldap?

Kibana is a user interface on top of Elasticsearch. If you want you Kibana content to be secured, then you need to configure that in Elasticsearch, and Kibana will integrate with it.

6.3.0 with xpack trial

Can you please point me to wright docs


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