Kibana Map Visualization with Lat Long fields


I have some csv files which contains the Latitude and Longitude column. I am trying to put these coordinates on Kibana map but not able to do so. Following is my logstash conf:
input {

    file {
            path => [ "/var/opt/data/report/reportingdata*.csv" ]
            start_position => "beginning"
            sincedb_path=> "dev/null"


filter {
csv {
separator => ","
columns => ["NAME","PHONE","LAT","LONG"]

      mutate {
       convert => { "LAT" => "float" }
       convert => { "LONG" => "float" }

      mutate {
          rename => {
              "LAT" => "[location][lon]"
              "LONG" => "[location][lat]"
	mutate {
             add_field => [ "[location][coordinates]", "%{[location][lon]}" ]
             add_field => [ "[location][coordinates]", "%{[location][lat]}"  ]

Following values I can see in Kibana:


Is there any thing else needs to be done. When I create visualization , it just show map no coordinates on it. Kindly guide.


Did you setup a template or mapping to make sure the location.coordinates field is a geopoint? has some info on that.

Hi Mark,

No I did not setup any template for this. How can we setup that? I have shown my configuration above .


That blog post provides guidance, let us know if you have specific questions though!

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