Kibana monitoring shows only 1 Logstash instance


I am using ELK GA 6.3.0. I have enabled X-Pack monitoring to monitor my Logstash. I have 2 Logstash instances, which has same configuration, consuming from a Kafka topic having 11 partitions. The config is like below.

input {
		group_id => "group1"
		topics => ["topic1"]
		bootstrap_servers => ",,"
		consumer_threads => "6"
		codec => "json"

I have enabled X-Pack monitoring in logstash.yml file, and it is like below;

node 1 logstash_0.10
config.reload.automatic: true
config.reload.interval: 30s ""
http.port: 9601
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.url: ["","",""]
xpack.monitoring.collection.interval: 10s
xpack.monitoring.collection.pipeline.details.enabled: true false ["main", "apache_logs"] ["","",""] 5s

node 2 logstash_0.11
config.reload.automatic: true
config.reload.interval: 30s ""
http.port: 9601
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.url: ["","",""]
xpack.monitoring.collection.interval: 10s
xpack.monitoring.collection.pipeline.details.enabled: true false ["main", "apache_logs"] ["","",""] 5s

As you can see, the only difference b/w these configs are in and But when I open my Kibana monitoring page, it shows only one instance like below;


But I have confirmed both Logstash instances are running, and is visible in my Kafka Manager. In my Kafka manager, I can see that both consumers are consuming. In the Nodes tab of Logstash monitoring page of Kibana monitoring plugin page, sometimes the node name will be logstash_0.10, and after some time, after reloading the page, it will change to logstash_0.11

But why only one Logstash node name, at a time, in Monitoring UI?


There is a data/ folder in your Logstash install folder. In that folder there is a uuid file. Can you check the contents of this file for both your Logstash instances?

@shaunak the uuid looks same for both instances a0b34ad3-7d2b-4c59-8e8d-c4367bd61d91

Okay, that would explain why you are seeing only one node in the Monitoring UI. The UUID uniquely identifies a node so two nodes with the same UUID will be seen as one.

The solution is to simply stop one of your two Logstash nodes, delete the data/uuid file for that node and then restart the node. Logstash will recreate the data/uuid file automatically upon restart, and store a new, unique UUID in it. Then, if you look in the Monitoring UI, you should start seeing two Logstash instances.


Alright. So Logstash will create the uuid file if its not present. Lemme ask you something. Is it ok, if I manually assign a uuid? For example, if i modify a0b34ad3-7d2b-4c59-8e8d-c4367bd61d91 to a0b34ad3-7d2b-4c59-8e8d-logstash1 , will it work? so that I can manually assign unique uuid across my cluster like a0b34ad3-7d2b-4c59-8e8d-logstash1, a0b34ad3-7d2b-4c59-8e8d-logstash2 etc.

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