Kibana - Need the ability to visualize data by Sankey Diagram and funnel Diagram

Hi Team,

Is Kibana able to to visualize data by Sankey Diagram and Funnel Diagram? If not, any plan to support these 2 diagram in Kibana?


Hi both are listed on this list of plugins (not tried them)

@cheriemilk In Kibana 6.2 and higher, you can do Sankey graphs using Vega. There's also an open Github issue for adding flow graphs as a core visualization, which you may be interested in following along with.

I'm not aware of any current work to add a funnel visualization, but you are welcome to open a Github issue with the feature request! That's the best way for us to track interest as we work to add enhancements to Kibana.

The plugins list @LJB999 provided is also a great starting point... We maintain a list of known plugins in our docs if you are ever looking for a solution that isn't provided by Kibana out of the box.

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