Kibana not opening up in elastic on demand

Course: Elasticsearch Engineer (On Demand)
Version: <And which particular version?>
I was using Kibana 1 and Kibana2 terminals in the on demand course.
Suddenly it stopped working and getting DNS error.
server IP address could not be found.
I have cleared cache and logged in again, waited for 2 days still getting same issue. I also dropped email to elastic training team but yet no reply. (Ticket # 01469849)


When you pause and start again your lab, the public DNS will change in Strigo.

You just need to fetch the new Public DNS, or use the dynamic DNS that will stay the same for the duration of your course.

Best regards,


How to fetch new DNS? because when i click on kibana1 or 2 it always goes to same.

Click on this :

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