Kibana Pie Charts with Unique Count

Here is my data set

ticket_id: 1,
status: Open,
timestamp: 2019-02-10

ticket_id: 2,
status: Open,
timestamp: 2019-02-10

ticket_id: 1;
status: Closed,
timestamp: 2019-02-14

ticket_id: 3;
status: Open,
timestamp: 2019-02-15

I want to create a Pie chart to show tickets with their latest status. I tried with Unique Count but still it shows both status of ticket 1. Please help

Try under advanced to add -->

  • aggregate function MAX
  • field Timestamp

I'm talking about Kibana Pie chart visualization in Kibana 7.8. I cannot find max aggregate function.

Yes you have it.
You need something like this

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