Kibana Posted JSON should be converted as Tabular format

I am new to Kibana. Currently App generates events in JSON format, send to Graylog.

We want to move to Kibana. If we search the events, result JSONs should be shown as Table format and as each key as column name.

Is it possible in Kibana? can we query on Table format data again? can we store the query and json be converted as table format in realtime as and when event data reaches Kibana?

hi @ssuresh,

In the Discover app, kibana shows the documents from Elasticsearch in json format. This is the format used to index the documents.

You can see a tabular view by using the Table visualization, in the Visualize app. You can also write queries and filter on the data. Each query is executed in real-time against your Elasticsearch index.

I'd also recommend you walk through the Kibana Getting Started. It shows you how to create filters and queries, and create visualizations (such as the Data Table).

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