Kibana Queries - depends on the order of the fields?

Hi, I did not find answer on the Internet:( I would like to know - from cluster utilization perspective - if depends on order of fields in query. Specifically, lets say I have index and data below:

"_index": "firewall"

There are more blades sending logs on my firewalls (it means "blade" logs are subset of all logs in index "firewall"), e.g.:

"firewall.blade" : "firewall"
"firewall.blade" : "application"
"firewall.blade" : "ips"

Which query is more effective?

"source.ip" : "" OR "source.ip" : ""

("source.ip" : "" OR "source.ip" : "") AND "firewall.blade" : "application"

"firewall.blade" : "application" AND ("source.ip" : "" OR "source.ip" : "")

Thank you! Jan

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