Hello All,
We need to run refresh fields on an index pattern in Kibana 5.4.1 (running with ES 5.4.1) and are running into issues getting the command to complete. Not really sure when the problem started, but has become an issue that we need to resolve. We need the refresh to work as we need to change the type of a field from "string" to "number".
The error case: run "Refresh Fields" - wait about 3 minutes and eventually get one of these errors:
- If using nginx proxy: Error 504 (Gateway Time-out)
- If communicating with K5 directly: "Error 503 Service Unavailable: Error: Error: socket hang up"
The actual Curl that comes back with the 503 is
From turning on Kibana verbose logging, I can see that we're actually getting this error back 30 seconds while the Kibana is talking to Elasticsearch:
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-08-21T22:09:46Z","tags":["error","elasticsearch","data"],"pid":27431,"message":"Request error, retrying\nPOST http://:9200/<index_name>-/_field_stats?fields=&allow_no_indices=false =>
socket hang up"}
Seems that something is timing out and hanging-up from the Elasticsearch side every 30 seconds and then Kibana retries
From other threads on the forum, I've tried adding "http.max_header_size: 16kb" and moved that up to 32kb without any difference. I've also tried setting "http.compression: false" with no change. (I have been only trying to make changes to ES configurations on the Kibana node which is not a datanode or a master node.)
Any ideas on how to deal with this socket hang up condition? Or any ideas on how to manually update the index patterns to meet our needs? (We already set the mappings for the field to be a long and
There are only 2234 fields in the indices that are having this issue. Perhaps I just need to keep pushing-up max_header_size?
(Cors settings already set. Kibana.yml already set with elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 900000