Kibana Report Error: Failed to decrypt report job data

Hi there,

I am facing following error each time I want to generate a CSV Report from Kibana Discover Module.

Either immediately or after some time (like 30 seconds or so) I see following Error:

Error: Failed to decrypt report job data. Please ensure that xpack.reporting.encryptionKey is set and re-generate this report. Error: Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data

I am running kibana 7.6.2 on openshift. I have used the elastic helm chart for deploying that and I have set following configuration lines in my kibana.yaml

xpack.reporting.encryptionKey: ${KIBANA_ENCRYPTION_KEY}
xpack.reporting.csv.maxSizeBytes: 104857600

KIBANA_ENCRYPTION_KEY is mounted as secret into the container

I am thankful for any hint


I'm not really confident the encryption_key can be used with Openshift secrets. Do they work the same as environment variables? if they don't, i doubt it would work like that. The suggested method if you want it as a secure setting is to use the kibana-keystore.

Yes this works actually for example for the password of the kibana user.

In the deployed container one can check the ../config/kibana.yaml file and you can acutally see the passwords in clear text there so they are resolved correctly.

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