Kibana Showing partial data for Mulesoft API's. Urgent help needed

Hello Elastic Community,

We are using ELK Stack to monitor Mulesoft cle framework log feeding using filebeat configuration installed on Linux Servers(same servers hosting JV services).

We also have different Elastic servers where the ELK stack is hosted like Master node(3), Kibana Node(2), Ingest Node(2) and Data nodes(4).

Issue Description: Kibana stopped showing logs for some path's in some of the APi's, It happened suddenly starting from 2nd Sep. But the same API is showing other paths fully with our any issues. This is a bit strange. And we don't have a dedicated Elastic Support team who can support here.

/ecom-sales-ux/v1/CR/clickToCall - Not showing data after 2nd Sep

/ecom-sales-ux/v1/CL/ecommerceCandidateCheck - Data showing for al the dates till now

Your help is much appreciated.

Welcome to our community! :smiley:

Are you sure the data is coming into Elasticsearch from Filebeat and Logstash?

Thanks for the response Mark.

I might look stupid. However, among the ELS Stack that I have mentioned, which server could be hosting the logstash.

We also have different Elastic servers where the ELK stack is hosted like Master node(3), Kibana Node(2), Ingest Node(2) and Data nodes(4).

We have definitely tested locally using Filebeat and there is no issue. Filebeat is parsing the data from cle logs and sending it across to logstash. We have to verify logstash and upstream logs to see if the data is reaching them and this is where we are stuck. However we have no idea, what Server could be hosting logstash, which ones are elasticsearch and data nodes in that ELS stack.

Thanks Again.

Where does the Filebeat output point to?

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