Kibana Sorting out Array values

Hi Team,

I am working with Elastic FunctionBeat to send logs from AWS CloudWatch Logs. I am able to create data tables, graphs etc.

There is one issue when I am trying to show field which is nested array (nestedResults), on Kibana (Lens) it is sorting the array values when displaying it on the dashboard (Lens visualization). I am breaking the nested array on the unique field values.

The original array look like this:

Any way I can show them as it is without ordering the values?


When viewing a single document in discover does the same sorting happen?

Thanks Marius for your reply.

No, then its showing correct way but in a nested JSON with array as is.

Ok, then seems like a bug to me. If you want, you can create an issue here: Issues · elastic/kibana · GitHub or I can create it for you.

Thanks @Marius_Dragomir ! I added an issue here:
Kibana: Array Values are by default sorting instead of printing as is. · Issue #99628 · elastic/kibana (

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