Kibana Style Customization in Cloud

I am new to ELK stack. Currently using the cloud 14 day trial version.

My question is how import the Kibana plugins in to cloud? Is there any way to customize the chart properties like color, font, scroll bars etc.

Why it is always the Top N in the charts? Can't we display all the data in the charts with scroll using plugins?
-- I don't see the Apache Canvas option in the Kibana Cloud.


The Kibana you see in the cloud is the Kibana you get currently. We don't have support for importing plugins yet.

Canvas is still getting built right now ( and we don't know when its going to be available in cloud. Please follow the link above for updates.

Data display is charts is configurable. But I don't think we can display all the data in the charts using scroll without limits of es apis.


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