Kibana -- Transform / Window / Rank not working in Vega v2


My Vega code seems not working. I'm using Vega v2. I copied the sample online for window transform => rank operation, but the "rank" field is not showing up. I put a tooltip for field "exe" to show that it actually has a value. Please advise what is going wrong... This is driving me crazy!

  config: {
    kibana: {
      tooltips: {centerOnMark: true, position: "top", padding: 20}
  data: {
    url: {
      %context%: true
      %timefield%: @timestamp
      index: *
      body: {
        size: 10000
        _source: ["@timestamp", "end_time", "step_path", "execution_duration"]
    format: {property: "hits.hits"}
  transform: [
    {calculate: "datum._source.step_path", as: "Step"}
    {calculate: "datum._source.execution_duration", as: "Duration(ms)"}
    {filter: "datum._source.step_path != null"}
      aggregate: [
        {op: "average", format: ".2f", field: "Duration(ms)", as: "exe"}
      groupby: ["Step"]
      window: [
        {op: "rank", as: "rank"}
      sort: [
        {field: "exe", order: "descending"}
      groupby: ["Step"]
  mark: {type: "bar"}
  encoding: {
    y: {
      field: Step
      type: ordinal
      axis: {title: "Step"}
    x: {field: "rank", type: "ordinal"}
    tooltip: {field: "exe", type: "nominal"}
    color: {field: "Step", type: "nominal", "nominalColorRange ": "category10"}

Hi @perryparktung,

I really need to see the data that you are trying to plot. Without it it would be very hard to debug the issue. Could you use JSON.stringify(VEGA_DEBUG.vegalite_spec) command from the browser debug tool (console) to copy your graph including the data, and attach it as a zip file to the issue? Make sure to expand the output to include everything.


Got the same issue in Kibana 6.3. Couldn't make it work even with the official Vega-Lite example: - got kibana.bundle.js?v=16602:1 WARN Ignoring an invalid transform: {"sort":[{"field":"score","order":"descending"}],"window":[{"as":"rank","op":"rank"}]}.

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