Kibana - Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes. self signed certificate in certificate chain

When starting Kibana, I'm getting the following message:

[ERROR][elasticsearch-service] Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes. self signed certificate in certificate chain
root@ubuntu:~# systemctl status kibana.service
● kibana.service - Kibana
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kibana.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-03-09 02:30:45 UTC; 1min 17s ago
   Main PID: 26594 (node)
      Tasks: 11 (limit: 2274)
     Memory: 514.6M
     CGroup: /system.slice/kibana.service
             └─26594 /usr/share/kibana/bin/../node/bin/node /usr/share/kibana/bin/../src/cli/dist

Mar 09 02:31:25 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:25.989+00:00][WARN ][] Generating a random key for To prevent sessions from being invalidated o>
Mar 09 02:31:25 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:25.990+00:00][WARN ][] Session cookies will be transmitted over insecure connections. This is not recommended.
Mar 09 02:31:26 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:26.040+00:00][WARN ][plugins.reporting.config] Generating a random key for xpack.reporting.encryptionKey. To prevent sessions from being invalidated>
Mar 09 02:31:26 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:26.069+00:00][WARN ][plugins.encryptedSavedObjects] Saved objects encryption key is not set. This will severely limit Kibana functionality. Please s>
Mar 09 02:31:26 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:26.123+00:00][WARN ][plugins.actions] APIs are disabled because the Encrypted Saved Objects plugin is missing encryption key. Please set xpack.encry>
Mar 09 02:31:26 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:26.160+00:00][WARN ][plugins.alerting] APIs are disabled because the Encrypted Saved Objects plugin is missing encryption key. Please set xpack.encr>
Mar 09 02:31:26 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:26.242+00:00][INFO ][plugins.ruleRegistry] Installing common resources shared between all indices
Mar 09 02:31:28 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:28.716+00:00][INFO ][plugins.screenshotting.config] Chromium sandbox provides an additional layer of protection, and is supported for Linux Ubuntu 2>
Mar 09 02:31:39 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:39.534+00:00][ERROR][elasticsearch-service] Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes. self signed certificate in certificate >
Mar 09 02:31:43 ubuntu kibana[26594]: [2022-03-09T02:31:43.735+00:00][INFO ][plugins.screenshotting.chromium] Browser executable: /usr/share/kibana/x-pack/plugins/screenshotting/chromium/headless_shell-li>
lines 1-20/20 (END)

Here is my kibana.yml

server.port: 5601 ""
elasticsearch.hosts: [""]

Here is my Elasticsearch.yml
http.port: 9200

# Enable security features true true

# Enable encryption for HTTP API client connections, such as Kibana, Logstash, and Agents
  enabled: true
  keystore.path: certs/http.p12

# Enable encryption and mutual authentication between cluster nodes
  enabled: true
  verification_mode: certificate
  keystore.path: certs/transport.p12
  truststore.path: certs/transport.p12
# Create a new cluster with the current node only
# Additional nodes can still join the cluster later
#cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["ubuntu"]

# Allow HTTP API connections from localhost and local networks
# Connections are encrypted and require user authentication [_local_, _site_]

# Allow other nodes to join the cluster from localhost and local networks
# Connections are encrypted and mutually authenticated [_local_, _site_]

Going to http://localhost:5601/ just gives me message: "Kibana server is not ready yet."
I reckon this is some issue with certificates but cannot figure out what.

For additional info, here all the commands/steps I took.

For configuring Elasticsearch:

wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install elasticsearch kibana

Generated an enrollment token for Kibana and copied it but wasn't sure what to do with it

/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s kibana
sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service

Increased Elasticsearch timeout values and then started it

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

Opened /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml and changed the host ip:

Verified node was running

root@ubuntu:~# curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/http_ca.crt -u elastic
Enter host password for user 'elastic':
  "name" : "ubuntu",
  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "cluster_uuid" : "Nw0yZgQaShugMnTcSGZUSA",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "8.1.0",
    "build_flavor" : "default",
    "build_type" : "deb",
    "build_hash" : "3700f7679f7d95e36da0b43762189bab189bc53a",
    "build_date" : "2022-03-03T14:20:00.690422633Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "9.0.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "7.17.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "7.0.0"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

Next I moved onto Kibana instructions which say to generate an enrollment token for Kibana with the elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token tool and start Kibana and enter the enrollment token to securely connect Kibana with Elasticsearch.

I try to start Kibana with bin/kibana and kept getting this error message:

Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes. socket hang up

I found a fix which was to change in kibana.yml elasticsearch.hosts: [""] to elasticsearch.hosts: [""]. HTTP to HTTPS.

Tried starting Kibana and then I run into the problem described in the OP.

If you want to use the enrollment process, then you should not make configuration changes to your kibana.yml but let the enrollment process handle this for you.

Remove elasticsearch.hosts: [""] and start the kibana service again. When you navigate to http://localhost:5601/ you will be prompted to enter the enrollment token you generated in Elasticsearch ( please generate a new one, each enrollment token is only valid for 30 minutes)


Thank you, I was following a third party guide for version 7.0 so I suppose those instructions don't work any more.

I did the steps you said and am getting stuck here:

scrub@ubuntu:~$ sudo /usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana --allow-root
[2022-03-09T18:11:10.672+00:00][INFO ][plugins-service] Plugin "metricsEntities" is disabled.
[2022-03-09T18:11:11.127+00:00][INFO ][http.server.Preboot] http server running at
[2022-03-09T18:11:11.330+00:00][INFO ][plugins-system.preboot] Setting up [1] plugins: [interactiveSetup]
[2022-03-09T18:11:11.349+00:00][INFO ][preboot] "interactiveSetup" plugin is holding setup: Validating Elasticsearch connection configuration…
[2022-03-09T18:11:11.529+00:00][INFO ][root] Holding setup until preboot stage is completed.

i Kibana has not been configured.

Go to to get started.

After this, my webpage doesn't connect and shows:

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.

I'm running Elastic/kibana on a virtualbox server and this is the port forwarding rule I have set up.

The only change I made is what was said which is to remove elasticsearch.hosts: [""]

No, because the setup process for 8.X is different to 7.X :slight_smile:


So when starting Kibana, the following is output to the screen:

i Kibana has not been configured.

Go to to get started.

That wasn't working for me and gave me a ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT message. Changing the URL to http://localhost:5601 instead worked. Not sure of the explanation behind that but issue solved


Hi @elasticScrub

Your Kibana runs in the VM and as far as it is aware, the IP address the host it runs in is ( and you've already explicitly told it so too with "" ) - so you get the message saying

Go to

Depending on how you've set networking between your host and your guest, might or might not be reachable from the host. In your case it wasn't and localhost worked because you have mapped the 5601 port from your host to your guest.

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