Kibana URL uses a Single host to serve all request

Hi All,

We have 3 nodes in the cluster with 1 primary and 2 replicas.
For DR activities we perform below steps :

  1. We are setting number of replica to 1 and then Exclude 1st node from cluster in single DC , while other 2 nodes in 2nd DC are included in cluster.
  2. shutdown 1st node and perform validation on DC2 nodes kibana console.

Now the issue we are facing is that :
When we do simple GET /_cluster/health from other 2 nodes in cluster they throw the error as below on console.

"statusCode": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "An internal server error occurred"

Error on server logs :
{"type":"error","@timestamp":"2024-02-11T07:10:48Z","tags":,"pid":22807,"level":"error","error":{"message":"Cannot throw non-error object","name":"Error","stack":"Error: Cannot throw non-error object\n at module.exports.internals.Manager.execute (/*/napsysrecs/kibana-7.5.0-linux-x86_64/node_modules/hapi/lib/toolkit.js:42:33)\n at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)"},"url":{"protocol":null,"slashes":null,"auth":null,"host":null,"port":null,"hostname":null,"hash":null,"search":"?path=%2F_cluster%2Fhealth&method=GET","query":{"path":"/_cluster/health","method":"GET"},"pathname":"/api/console/proxy","path":"/api/console/proxy?path=%2F_cluster%2Fhealth&method=GET","href":"/api/console/proxy?path=%2F_cluster%2Fhealth&method=GET"},"message":"Cannot throw non-error object"}

Shouldn't the other 2 nodes serve the console requests when 1 node is down and new request should go to 2nd DC ?

The curl url on 2nd DC is still pointing to 1st DC host which is down.
If I copy the command as curl from console it shows 1st DC host.
So we are bit clueless at the moment. Kindly help how to use Kibana in such scenario :frowning_face:

Do you have elasticsearch.hosts in your Kibana config pointing to all three nodes?

Yes the kibana config file has all 3 servers within it
elasticsearch.hosts: ["server1:9200","server2:9200","server3:9200"]

I have been advised to try below in kibana config

elasticsearch.sniffInterval: Time in milliseconds between requests to check Elasticsearch for an updated list of nodes. Default: false
elasticsearch.sniffOnStart: Attempt to find other Elasticsearch nodes on startup. Default: false
elasticsearch.sniffOnConnectionFault: Update the list of Elasticsearch nodes immediately following a connection fault. Default: false

Apologies for the delayed response. It looks like your Kibana is running on 7.5. I searched around for a similar error and found this. Based on that issue, I believe this was a bug that was fixed in 7.6. Upgrading to 7.6 (or even better 7.17) should resolve this error.

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