Kibana Vega : Sum of field of latest unique values

Problem statement : I have written a Kibana Vega script to show sum of latest balanceusd field having a unique orgid. I am getting balance logs frequently and every latest log has the updated balance. There can be a number of wallets in one organisation(orgid). Currently, it is showing whatever latest amount comes in balanceusd field.

Expected output : a metric visualization that shows total net-worth of an organization. It means it should sum all the latest balanceusd data across different wallets under an orgid

Vega script :

    "text": "Networth",
    "fontSize": 30,
    "dy" : 20

  data: [
      name: latestTotalBalance
      url: {
        %context%: true
        %timefield%: @timestamp
        index: wallet-*
        body: {
          aggs: {
            label: {
              terms: {
                size: 10
                order: {_key: "desc"}
              aggs: {
                balance: {
                  top_hits: {
                    size: 10
                    sort: [
                        @timestamp: {order: "desc"}
          size: 0
      format: {property: "aggregations.label.buckets"}
      transform: [
          type: aggregate
          ops: ["sum"]
          fields: ["balance.hits.hits[0]"]
          as: ["networth"]
  marks: [
      type: text
      formatType: number
      from: {data: "latestTotalBalance"}
      encode: {
        update: {
          title: "Networth"
          text: {signal: "format(datum.networth, ',')"}
          align: {value: "center"}
          baseline: {value: "middle"}
          xc: {signal: "width/2"}
          yc: {signal: "height/2"}
          fontSize: {signal: "33"}
          "fill": {"value": "white"}
          "fontWeight":{"value": "bold"}
          text: {signal: "format(datum.networth, ',.2f')"}

Can someone help me?

I suspect the problem is the text color. Can you try to change this last bits (also adding the currency to format):

@Marco_Liberati the output value still shows the same as before. it changed the output format a bit though

New output :

ah ok, you're using the dark theme, that is why of the white color.
On my light theme I could not see anything. Probably removing the fill will make it adapt automatically to the final user's theme.

Beside that, the problem in your case I think it's that in the transform fields you're only pointing to the first element of the array, while it should iterate thru all of them. To solve this issue, you need to adapt the value to:

format: {property: "aggregations.label.buckets[0].balance.hits.hits"}

Now in the fields just specify and the sum aggregation should do it.

@Marco_Liberati I tried above changes but still value is same. It is just showing whatever latest value comes in balanceusd field. I manually made a sum for all wallets in which are coming under orgid 519 and the total is $38223.45. Ideally this should be the result of this metric visualisation.

If you click on Inspect > View: Requests => View: Vega debug => Spec in the resulting values field how many entries are present?

Looks like one entry

  "$schema": "",
  "title": {
    "text": "Networth",
    "fontSize": 25,
    "dy": 20
  "data": [
      "name": "latestTotalBalance",
      "format": {
        "property": "aggregations.label.buckets[0].balance.hits.hits"
      "transform": [
          "type": "aggregate",
          "ops": [
          "fields": [
          "as": [
      "url": {
        "index": "wallet-*",
        "body": {
          "aggs": {
            "label": {
              "terms": {
                "field": "",
                "size": 10,
                "order": {
                  "_key": "desc"
              "aggs": {
                "balance": {
                  "top_hits": {
                    "_source": "",
                    "size": 1,
                    "sort": [
                        "@timestamp": {
                          "order": "desc"
          "size": 0,
          "query": {
            "bool": {
              "must": [
                  "range": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                      "gte": "2023-02-22T13:30:00.000Z",
                      "lte": "2023-02-23T13:41:56.948Z",
                      "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
              "filter": [
                  "bool": {
                    "should": [
                        "match": {
                          "": "519"
                    "minimum_should_match": 1
                  "match_phrase": {
                    "event.category.keyword": "wallet_balance"
              "should": [],
              "must_not": []
      "values": {
        "took": 902,
        "timed_out": false,
        "_shards": {
          "total": 115,
          "successful": 115,
          "skipped": 92,
          "failed": 0
        "hits": {
          "total": 3320,
          "max_score": null,
          "hits": []
        "aggregations": {
          "label": {
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
            "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
            "buckets": [
                "key": 519,
                "doc_count": 3320,
                "balance": {
                  "hits": {
                    "total": {
                      "value": 3320,
                      "relation": "eq"
                    "max_score": null,
                    "hits": [
                        "_index": "wallet-519-wallet_balance-2023.02",
                        "_id": "DT2AfoYB5kMf-AXvyguo",
                        "_score": null,
                        "_source": {
                          "event": {
                            "data": {
                              "balanceusd": "92.67420678"
                        "sort": [
  "marks": [
      "type": "text",
      "formatType": "number",
      "from": {
        "data": "latestTotalBalance"
      "encode": {
        "update": {
          "title": "Networth",
          "text": {
            "signal": "format(datum.networth, '$,.2f')"
          "align": {
            "value": "center"
          "baseline": {
            "value": "middle"
          "xc": {
            "signal": "width/2"
          "yc": {
            "signal": "height/2"
          "fontSize": {
            "signal": "33"
          "fill": {
            "value": "white"
          "fontWeight": {
            "value": "bold"
  "config": {
    "range": {
      "category": {
        "scheme": "elastic"
    "arc": {
      "fill": "#54B399"
    "area": {
      "fill": "#54B399"
    "line": {
      "stroke": "#54B399"
    "path": {
      "stroke": "#54B399"
    "rect": {
      "fill": "#54B399"
    "rule": {
      "stroke": "#54B399"
    "shape": {
      "stroke": "#54B399"
    "symbol": {
      "fill": "#54B399"
    "trail": {
      "fill": "#54B399"
    "title": {
      "color": "#d4dae5"
    "style": {
      "guide-label": {
        "fill": "#98a2b3"
      "guide-title": {
        "fill": "#d4dae5"
      "group-title": {
        "fill": "#d4dae5"
      "group-subtitle": {
        "fill": "#d4dae5"
    "axis": {
      "tickColor": "#343741",
      "domainColor": "#343741",
      "gridColor": "#343741"
    "background": "transparent"
  "width": "container",
  "height": "container",
  "autosize": {
    "type": "fit",
    "contains": "padding"

Maybe the filter is taking out the other entries? Try to disable it temporarily

still same

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