Kibana Visual Builder (Table) - Bug in 7.2.0 and 7.2.1, Works as expected in 7.1.1

I have upgraded my Kibana installation to 7.2.0 and imported export.json from 7.1.1. After reviewing what I observed is Visual Builder Table visualization is not working as expected.

In Visual Builder Table visualization , I have a field (String datatype) defined in group by and in aggregation Count query with as "Overall Sum" Aggregate function counting occurrences for the field defined in group by. Basically I am trying to get count of Text occurrences for a text field.

It works great in 7.1.1 however when tested in 7.2.0 and 7.2.1 the count always returns as '0'.

This seems to be a bug in newer release. Can you please help me to understand If I am doing anything wrong here. I know I can do this with data table but I wanted to stick with Visual builder.

Good morning Sujeet!

This issue was recently identified and a fix will be released in 7.2.2:

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