KQL to elastic query string

When I perform a Kibana Query, ie,

I know it is converted to a json blob which represents a valid elasticsearch json query, ie,

    "version": true,
    "size": 500,
                "order": "desc",
                "unmapped_type": "boolean"
                "field": "@timestamp",
                "fixed_interval": "30s",
                "time_zone": "America/Chicago",
                "min_doc_count": 1
    "script_fields": {},
            "field": "@timestamp",
            "format": "date_time"
            "field": "event.created",
            "format": "date_time"
        "excludes": []
            "must": [],
                                                "event.id": 5
                                    "minimum_should_match": 1
                                                "user": "root"
                                    "minimum_should_match": 1
                            "gte": "2022-08-16T19:12:28.172Z",
                            "lte": "2022-08-16T19:27:28.172Z",
                            "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
            "should": [],
            "must_not": []
            "*": {}
        "fragment_size": 2147483647

I use the Elasticsearch python API to send Elasticsearch queries, however, I would like to send a query from python that is initially in the friendly Kibana Query Language (KQL), ie, python.SendKQLQuery("event.id:5 and user:root") and it would get converted into the appropriate json blob that elasticsearch expects... can someone help with this?

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