Kube-state-metrics over SSL

We try to get data from the kube-state-metrics pod in OpenShift. This works fine if we start a standalone kube-state-metrics pod and expose it over an HTTP route:

- module: kubernetes
  enabled: true
    - state_node
    - state_deployment
    - state_replicaset
    - state_pod
    - state_container
  period: 10s
  in_cluster: false
  add_metadata: true
  labels.dedot: true
  annotations.dedot: true
  kube_config: /home/user/.kube/config
  host: "master01.example.com"
  hosts: ["kube-state-metrics.monitoring.svc:8080"]

However, if we try to use the kube-state-metrics pod which is part of the default OpenShift Container Platform since version 3.11 (located in the openshift-monitoring project), we need HTTPS for this:

- module: kubernetes
  enabled: true
    - state_node
    - state_deployment
    - state_replicaset
    - state_pod
    - state_container
  period: 10s
  in_cluster: false
  add_metadata: true
  labels.dedot: true
  annotations.dedot: true
  kube_config: /home/user/.kube/config
  host: "master01.example.com"
  hosts: ["https://prometheus-k8s-openshift-monitoring.example.com"]
  ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/openshift-ca.crt"]
  ssl.certificate: "/etc/origin/master/master.kubelet-client.crt"
  ssl.key: "/etc/origin/master/master.kubelet-client.key"

We do not get any relevant information in the Metricbeat debug logs, but no metricset data is sent to Elasticsearch anymore.

How can we use kube-state-metrics over SSL?

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It turned out that the metrics provided by the kube-state-metrics pod in the openshift-monitoring project were very limited: +/- 650 entries versus >13.000 entries provided by a standalone kube-state-metrics pod (version 1.8.0). So we left the track to reuse the kube-state-metrics pod in the openshift-monitoring project.

For your reference, the simplified config looks like this:

- module: kubernetes
  enabled: true
    - state_node
    - state_deployment
    - state_replicaset
    - state_statefulset
    - state_pod
    - state_container
  period: 10s
  hosts: ["kube-state-metrics.monitoring.svc:8080"]

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