Labs - Kibana server is not ready yet

I am working on the Elastic Security Fundamentals: SIEM On-Demand lab, and I am having trouble getting Kibana to load. When I try to access the link the lab provided for Kibana, I receive a blank page with the text "Kibana server is not ready yet". I have tried restarting the workspace machines and waiting for 30-45 minutes, but I still get the Kibana server is not ready yet. What else can I try?

Hi @allenangel82 Welcome to the community!

How did you install Elasticsearch and Kibana... tar.gz . deb. rpm Mac , Windows etc.

What Version?

The more information you provide the better we can help

What instructions did you follow to set up Elasticsearch and Kibana...

And please share you elasticsearch.yml and kibana.yml

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