LDAP X-pack error Config: Error 403 Forbidden

I installed x-pack and edited config elasticsearch.yml

type: ldap
order: 0
url: "ldap://ldap"
bind_dn: "cn=admin,dc=my"
bind_password: pass
base_dn: "dc=my"
attribute: cn
base_dn: "dc=my"
role_mapping: "CONFIG_DIR/x-pack/role_mapping.yml"
unmapped_groups_as_roles: false

After I edited role_mapping.yml


  • "cn=jon snow,ou=users,dc=my"

I could log in to kibana but I got error

Config: Error 403 Forbidden: [security_exception] action [indices:data/write/update] is unauthorized for user [jon snow]

"username" : "jon snow",
"roles" : ,
"full_name" : null,
"email" : null,
"metadata" : {
"ldap_dn" : "cn=jon snow,ou=users,dc=my",
"ldap_groups" :
"enabled" : true

Firstly, please paste the contents of configuration files as code blocks - formatting matters, and we can't tell whether your file is formatted correctly unless you display it as a code block.

Secondly, when things don't work, always check the logs, and include any relevant messages in your post. There is a lot of useful information there, and it shouldn't be ignored.

Your issue is this

  role_mapping: "CONFIG_DIR/x-pack/role_mapping.yml"

CONFIG_DIR doesn't mean anything special here, so it's looking for a file in a directory that almost certainly doesn't exist.


1 more question I added to role mapping config:
If I am adding some user everything works properly.

  - "cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my"

But if I use some group like

  - "cn=kibana,ou=groups,dc=my"

I have the same error with permission, this DN by 100% exists in LDAP (cn=kibana,ou=groups,dc=my)

It appears that you haven't configuredgroup_search correctly.
If the ldap_groups array is empty in the_authenticate response, then you need to look at your configuration.

I am using this

            base_dn: "dc=my"

And this is correct base DN in my ldap.

Should i use some other syntax ?

This all xpack config

          type: ldap
          order: 0
          url: "ldap://ldap.my"
          bind_dn: "cn=admin,dc=my"
          bind_password: pass
            base_dn: "dc=my"
            attribute: cn
            base_dn: "dc=my"
            role_mapping: "/etc/elasticsearch/x-pack/role_mapping.yml"
          unmapped_groups_as_roles: false

Since your ldap_groups is coming out empty, that configuration must not be the right fit for your directory.

You're going to need to read the documentation on the configuration options and try a few different options, because it's impossible for me to to know what the problem is without access to your directory schema.


You might consider turning on TRACE logging that will capture the LDAP searches that x-pack is running against your directory.

Edit the log4j2.properties file in your config directory, and add:

logger.ldap.name = org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.authc.ldap
logger.ldap.level = TRACE

The elasticsearch logs should provide more details about what's taking place under the covers.

Manual search: in elastic:

curl -XGET 'elastic:pass@localhost:9200/_xpack/security/_authenticate?pretty' -u test\ test
Enter host password for user 'test test':
  "username" : "test test",
  "roles" : [
  "full_name" : null,
  "email" : null,
  "metadata" : {
    "ldap_dn" : "cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my",
    "ldap_groups" : [ ]
  "enabled" : true

Log result:

[2017-10-30T15:41:32,635][DEBUG][o.e.x.s.a.l.LdapRealm    ] [m_yIIDS] user [test test] not found in cache for realm [ldap1], proceeding with normal authentication
[2017-10-30T15:41:32,636][TRACE][o.e.x.s.a.l.s.LdapUtils  ] LDAP Search SearchRequest(baseDN='dc=my', scope=SUB, deref=NEVER, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=5, filter='(cn=test test)', attrs={1.1}) => SearchResult(resultCode=0 (success), messageID=70, entriesReturned=1, referencesReturned=0) ([SearchResultEntry(dn='cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my', messageID=70, attributes={}, controls={})])
[2017-10-30T15:41:37,640][DEBUG][o.e.x.s.a.l.LdapUserSearchSessionFactory] [m_yIIDS] Resolving LDAP groups + meta-data for user [cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my]
[2017-10-30T15:41:37,641][TRACE][o.e.x.s.a.l.s.LdapUtils  ] LDAP Search SearchRequest(baseDN='dc=my', scope=SUB, deref=NEVER, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=5, filter='(&(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=group)(objectclass=posixGroup))(|(uniqueMember=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)(member=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)(memberUid=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)))', attrs={1.1}) => SearchResult(resultCode=0 (success), messageID=4, entriesReturned=0, referencesReturned=0) ([])
[2017-10-30T15:41:37,642][DEBUG][o.e.x.s.a.l.LdapUserSearchSessionFactory] [m_yIIDS] Resolved 0 LDAP groups [[]] for user [cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my]
[2017-10-30T15:41:37,642][DEBUG][o.e.x.s.a.l.LdapUserSearchSessionFactory] [m_yIIDS] Resolved 0 meta-data fields [{}] for user [cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my]
[2017-10-30T15:41:37,644][DEBUG][o.e.x.s.a.l.LdapRealm    ] [m_yIIDS] realm [ldap1] authenticated user [test test], with roles [[kibana_view]]

Search in LDAP:

root@bastion:/home/users/# ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=my'  -s sub -h ldap.my -LLL | grep -A 10  kibana
dn: cn=kibana,ou=groups,dc=my
gidNumber: 509
cn: kibana
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
memberUid: ttest

root@bastion:/home/users/# ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=my' '(uid='ttest')' -s sub -h ldap.my -LLL
dn: cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my
cn: test test
givenName: test
gidNumber: 503
homeDirectory: /home/users/ttest
sn: test
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 2001
uid: ttest
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top

As u see user exist and he is in the correct group.

Also i tried to change value in config to

            base_dn: "ou=groups,dc=my"

But got the same result
Any ideas?

As you can see above in the log output you have provided:

[2017-10-30T15:41:37,641][TRACE][o.e.x.s.a.l.s.LdapUtils  ] LDAP Search SearchRequest(baseDN='dc=my', scope=SUB, deref=NEVER, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=5, filter='(&(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=group)(objectclass=posixGroup))(|(uniqueMember=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)(member=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)(memberUid=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)))', attrs={1.1}) => SearchResult(resultCode=0 (success), messageID=4, entriesReturned=0, referencesReturned=0) ([])

the ldap filter for resolving the ldap groups contains the following clause

(memberUid=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my) 

which doesn't match anything since memberUid contains the uid and not the DN.

You can overcome this by setting group_search.user_attribute to uid (it defaults to DN hence the not matching filter clause above ) as described in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/x-pack/5.6/ldap-realm.html#ldap-settings

Magic! it's work, but I did not get why. Search log show that Elastic could get user with this DN

(uniqueMember=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)(member=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)(memberUid=cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my)))

and also is it bug or feature :slight_smile: that i should use "long" CN , not "short" uid for log in ?

The log line you provided shouldn't be the one you get from the logs now, if you have set the

user_attribute: "uid"

You should see a line similar to the one below:

[o.e.x.s.a.l.s.LdapUtils  ] LDAP Search SearchRequest(baseDN='dc=my', scope=SUB, deref=NEVER, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=5, filter='(&(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=group)(objectclass=posixGroup))(|(uniqueMember=ttest)(member=ttest)(memberUid=ttest)))', attrs={1.1}) => SearchResult(resultCode=0 (success), messageID=4, entriesReturned=1, referencesReturned=0) ([])

and also is it bug or feature :slight_smile: that i should use "long" CN , not "short" uid for log in ?

You should use the one that matches your directory structure and the Group types you are using. Most of the group objectclasses, such as groupOfNames , groupOfUniqueNames have a multivalued attribute ( member or uniqueMember respectively ) that holds the Distinguished Name of the users that are members of the groups. On the other hand, posixGroup objectclass has a multivalued attribute named memberUid that contain the uid of all the users that are members of the group.

The default value for group_search.user_attribute is Distinguished Name ( or the long form you mention above which looks like cn=test test,ou=users,dc=my ) and this would satisfy your use case if you were using groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames. Now that you are using posixGroup which has the memberUid attribute, you needed to change group_search.user_attribute to uid.

Hope this is clearer now.

As i found any user could log in (if it exists in ldap ) without any permission
But could I for somehow to deny log in at all if user does not have some group (in my case it is "kibana" ldap group) ?

Yes, definitely. Even if your existing ldap users can "log in" via Kibana for example, they would get an error

Config: Error 403 Forbidden: action [indices:data/write/update] is unauthorized for user [your_user]: [security_exception] action [indices:data/write/update] is unauthorized for user [your_user]

and won't be able to perform any action or read any data.

You should take a look at Configuring Role-based Access Control | X-Pack for the Elastic Stack [6.2] | Elastic . In short, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is supported for authorization. Users with no explicit role assignment get a default role that enables them to access the authenticate endpoint, which is what you probably mention above as

any user could log in (if it exists in ldap ) without any permission

,change their own passwords, and get information about themselves.

Moving forward you can use the built-in roles, or define your own in order to fine grain the permissions and privileges that apply to them ( and they users who have them ). You can map the LDAP groups to roles using the role_mapping.yml file as you've already done.

I'm afraid Kibana does not currently have a feature to prevent users logging in if they have no permissions. Every user that exists in your LDAP tree is allowed to login, but they see a blank page.

Very bad, maybe u want to add this feature to the next sprint? :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for help

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