Limit Of Total Fields in index has been exceeded

Hi Team,

when i am trying to push data from Filebeat to logstash and elasticsearch by using my log file,I am getting an exception.

"Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:Limit Of Total Fields [1000] in index has been exceeded"

and then after i am getting

"Java.lang.OutOfMemeryError:java heap error"

can you please help me for this issue.

What does your mapping for that index look like? Which version are you using? What is the specification of your cluster?

Hi @Christian_Dahlqvist,

I am using Filebeat 6.0.0,logstash 6.3.0 and Elasticsearch 6.3.0.

Filebeat.yml is

input_type: log
fields: {log_type: smart_logtype_original}
include_lines: ["< App Id : SMART-WEB-APPLICATION >"]

output.logstash.hosts: [""]
output.logstash.protocol: "http"
output.logstash.index: "beat_server_latest-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" "appstash"
output.logstash.template.path: "filebeat.template.json"
output.logstash.template.overwrite: false


input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
ruby {
code => "
fieldArray = event.get('message').split(' > < ')
for field in fieldArray
field = field.delete '< '
field = field.delete ' >'
result = field.split(' : ')
event.set(result[0], result[1])

output {

if [fields][log_type] == "smart_logtype_original"{

elasticsearch {

  hosts => ""
  index => "smart_index1"
  #user => "RonakB"
  #password => "June@2018"
  #ssl => true
  #ssl_certificate_verification => false
  #truststore => "/opt/READONLYREST/elasticsearch-6.3.0/config/keystore.jks"
  #truststore_password => "readonlyrest"



if [fields][log_type] == "smart_logtype"{

elasticsearch {

  hosts => ""
  index => "smart_index"




That is not what I asked for. What is the mapping of the index you had the error reported for? Use the get mapping API to retrieve it.

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