Kibana version:
Elasticsearch version:
APM Server version:
APM Agent language and version:
OpenTelemetry Java Agent
Browser version:
OSX Chrome 93.0.4577.82
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version:
Fresh install or upgraded from other version?
Upgrade from 7.12.1 to 7.15.0
Is there anything special in your setup? N/A
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):
In the past I've configured field as a URL based field so that in Discover views I can easily link off to trace data in APM. I have used the URL template - apm#/link-to/trace/{{value}} - which then generates links such as https://{{kibana}}/app/apm#/link-to/trace/{{}}
In 7.12.1 this worked correctly i.e. I could dig up old traces and have the link set the time range correctly on the lookup etc. Now in 7.15.0 I've noticed if I try to link to a trace that is older than 15 minutes:
- It pulls up the transactions view but the trace is not the correct one
- The date range defaults to the last 15 minutes which I don't think it did before although if I scale it back to say 7 days (or however far back the trace was) it doesn't matter as the direct has already occurred and the link appears to be pointing at the wrong trace.
If I open a trace that is less than 15 minutes ago it works correctly. So, I suspect something is happening here where it's pushing the time range down into the lookup and failing? Possibly related to the change/comment here as I see it added a default for 15 min - now.
I can see this in the direct, for instance:
5 minute old trace (works):
Original link: http://{{kibana}}/app/apm#/link-to/trace/61673c7c4da9b17df3a03aeb5d67c3fd
Redirected link: http://{{kibana}}/app/apm/services/{{service}}/transactions/view?transactionName={{transactionName}}&transactionType=request&rangeFrom=now-15m&rangeTo=now&comparisonEnabled=true&comparisonType=day&transactionId=abd1bcb03ea760f4&traceId=61673c7c4da9b17df3a03aeb5d67c3fd
Notice both URLs have 61673c7c4da9b17df3a03aeb5d67c3fd for the trace ID.
30 minute old trace (broken):
Original link: http://{{kibana}}/app/apm#/link-to/trace/616735962f42755bc4a6fe934949c28c
Redirected link: http://{{kibana}}/app/apm/services/{{service}}/transactions/view?transactionName={{omit_transactionName}}&transactionType=request&rangeFrom=now-15m&rangeTo=now&comparisonEnabled=true&comparisonType=day&transactionId=70bd2ada757f2988&traceId=616738e4c8ff6e7e5ffec75088b8f7a6
So the "traceId" parameter is 616735962f42755bc4a6fe934949c28c originally but 616738e4c8ff6e7e5ffec75088b8f7a6 on the redirect.
I also tried without the hash in the URL and it had the same issue.
Steps to reproduce:
- Find a trace that's over 15 minutes old and try to link directly to it (broken)
- Find a trace that's less than 15 minutes old and link to it (works)