We have a system based on Elasticsearch and we're performing volume tests
in order to come up with hardware requirements.
Following the tests, I am confused by the role of the primary shard in a
load balanced environment and am wondering regarding performance after a
node failure. I also have issues with ES_MAX_MEM.
Can you please help?
In my lab I have two data nodes and one client node (non-data), configured
for two shards and one replica. My client is sending Index requests to the
client node. ES_MAX_MEM=ES_MIN_MEM=8g and eace node has 16GB RAM. In the
volume tests we sent a steady stream of messages to ES (12,500 messages
every 5 seconds).
During testing I closed one of the data nodes and as a result the other
node showed it's two shards are primary shards.
When the first node came back up all turned green, but the second node
still held both primary shards.
The other thing that happened is the elasticseach memory consumption
constantly grew until it consumed the entire 16GB RAM.
- Shouldn't adding a new node result in splitting primary shards
between all nodes? How come one of the shards in the first node did not
become a primary share? - Since the client node is load balancing, what happens when it sends
data to the node which has no primary shard? Does that impact performance? - How come ES consumed 16GBRAM when ES_MAX_MEM is set to 8g?
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