Log source "unknown" in Observability Overview

I'm new to Elastic Stack and have successfully set up a pipeline with Filebeat, Elasticsearch and Kibana to ingest data from log files. I have set up the display fields in Observability settings, which works for the Logs view, but I can't see where to define the source so it doesn't appear as "Unknown" in the Overview chart:

Can anyone tell me where this is done or point me to the right docs? Thanks!

Hi and welcome to the forum :wave:

You'll have to populate the event.dataset field for that which helps you to differ between log streams. The default value our ECS logging libraries use is ${serviceName}.log, for example my-app.log.


Works great! Thanks for the friendly welcome and quick response :slight_smile:

Hi, how can I set up the serviceName? I have tried the following but only service name is set, and event.dataset is not set.

I guess it is not the best way to set up service name... Is there any suggested approach to set up service.name for any general services?

          - rename:
                - from: "spring.message"
                  to: "message"
                - from: "spring.application_name"
                  to: "service.name"


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