Logstash config - JSON filter results with "_jsonparsefailure"


My log file is in JSON format.
An example of a log line:

{"@timestamp":"2018-09-18T10:36:27.135+03:00","@version":1,"message":{"apiMethodType": "GET","elapsedTime": 1136},"caller_line_number":94}

I'm using Filebeat with the following prospectors settings:


  • paths:
    • C:\Users\abc\Desktop\E.L.K\Log*.json
      input_type: log
      json.keys_under_root: true
      json.add_error_key: true

I'd like to get the values of the two fields withing the message: apiMethodType, elapsedTime.

My logstash config file is:
input {
beats {
port => "5044"

source => "message"
target => "JsonMessage"
mutate {
add_field => {
"apiMethodType" => "%{[JsonMessage][apiMethodType]}"
"elapsedTime" => "%{[JsonMessage][elapsedTime]}"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]
index => ["logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"]

The result looks as follows:

    "_index" : "logs-2018.09.20",
    "_type" : "doc",
    "_id" : "hW2K9mUB55jPhmkgUZyh",
    "_score" : 1.0,
    "_source" : {
      "caller_line_number" : 94,
      "source" : "C:\\Users\\abc\\Desktop\\E.L.K\\Log\\Sample.json",
      "message" : "{\"apiMethodType\"=>\"GET\", \"elapsedTime\"=>1136}",
      "beat" : {
        "version" : "6.4.0",
        "name" : "IRA",
        "hostname" : "IRA"
      "@timestamp" : "2018-09-20T10:28:02.342Z",
      "@version" : 1,
      "host" : {
        "name" : "IRA"
      "apiMethodType" : "%{[JsonMessage][apiMethodType]}",
      "elapsedTime" : "%{[JsonMessage][elapsedTime]}",
      "offset" : 508,
      "tags" : [

Could you, please, assist me with understanding why am I getting the "_jsonparsefailure"?
What should I do in order to fetch the values of apiMethodType and elapsedTime correctly?


{"apiMethodType"=>"GET", "elapsedTime"=>1136} isn't a valid JSON string. Given the log example at the top and the configuration you've given it's very hard to understand how that ended up in your message field.

Even when I'm removing the filter the result looks like this:

"_index" : "logs-2018.09.20",
"_type" : "doc",
"_id" : "lG1J92UB55jPhmkgBpyJ",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"@timestamp" : "2018-09-20T14:01:18.541Z",
"caller_line_number" : 94,
"host" : {
"name" : "IRA"
"beat" : {
"name" : "IRA",
"hostname" : "IRA",
"version" : "6.4.0"
"source" : "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\E.L.K\Log\Sample.json",
"message" : "{"apiMethodType"=>"GET", "elapsedTime"=>1136}",
"tags" : [
"offset" : 0,
"@version" : 1
What am I missing?


What does the first line of Sample.json look like?

The log line looks like this:

{"@timestamp":"2018-09-18T10:36:27.135+03:00","@version":1,"message":{"apiMethodType": "GET","elapsedTime": 1136},"caller_line_number":94}

Okay. Then I have no idea how that line could possibly end up as the message field in a previous post.

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