Logstash + file_concat Puppet 4.2 Compatibility

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone has been able to get the elasticsearch/logstash module working on Puppet version 4.2.1.
I noticed that one of the dependancies for elasticsearch/logstash is theispavailability/file_concat.

The ispavailability/file_concat has not been updated since March of 2015 and the latest version is 'compatible with Puppet 3.x'

Indeed when I tried to install both of these modules I recieved plenty of file_concat errors upon trying to use it:Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Invalid resource type file_concat at /usr/share/puppet/modules/logstash/manifests/config.pp:55:5

Has anyone got this working on newer versions of puppet, or does anyone know of another file_concat module that is compatible with Puppet 4?