Logstash Filter Rspec testing

Hey all,

I'm in the process of creating a logstash filter for CloudFoundry. I want to put a suite of rspec test together, however I'm having an increasingly difficult time.

Here's my current issue: when I execute the rspec test the filter isn't being executed. The filter creates new fields upon receiving an event. Whenever I try to validate that field it's value is set to nil.

You can check out the current rspec file I have here: https://github.com/ahahtyler/logstash-filter-cloudfoundry/blob/master/spec/filters/cloudfoundry_spec.rb

From my logstash home directory the command I'm kicking off is: bin/rspec path/to/rspec.rb

Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated.

Looks like I the way I was calling the filter wasn't calling the "register" method and some class variables where left uninitialized.

Will update the spec.rb at the github link when I finish if anyone else stumbles upon this thread.