Logstash mapping wrong field types

Hi ,
I'm new to logstash and ELK stack. So apologies in advance if this question sounds obvious.

Problem: I have fields that are being detected as strings by Kibana even after the template.json file explicitly maps the field as long.

Details of my setup:
I'm trying to push custom logs from HA proxy to security-onion elk stack. For the default setup , every thing works. My logs get picked up by logstash and displayed by kibana. Now I decided to create custom conf files and template to make data aggregatable and get better visualization.
I have a custom log that I use grok to split and extract values. These then go through an output filter in to elastic search via a custom template.
My Kibana instance detects all the fields split by the grok filter but int fields get detected as string . This is causing mappings conflicts and issues when trying to visualize the fields.
So far I have tried :

  1. refreshing the index from kibana > management
  2. Re-indexing the indexes.
    Any suggestions to trouble shoot this problem would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

My grok pattern eg.


when logstash outputs to stdout (for debug), the fields look like this

   "hap_feconn" => "6",
   "hap_actconn" => "6",
   "syslog-sourceip" => "172.17.XXX.YYY",
   "hap_retries" => "0",

Output filter -

output {
  if "HAProxy" in [tags] and "test_data" not in [tags] and "import" not in [tags] {
   # stdout { codec => rubydebug }
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => elasticsearch
      index => "logstash-haproxy-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
      template_name => "logstash-haproxy"
      template => "/logstash-haproxy-template.json"
      template_overwrite => true

field mappings in logstash-haproxy-template.json

  "index_patterns": ["logstash-haproxy-*"],
  "order" : 0,
       "dynamic": false,
       "date_detection": false,

When querying using kibana > dev tools for hap_actconn
GET /logstash-*/_mapping/field/hap_actconn

"logstash-haproxy-2020.mm.dd" : {
    "mappings" : {
      "doc" : {
        "hap_actconn" : {
          "full_name" : "hap_actconn",
          "mapping" : {
            "hap_actconn" : {
              "type" : "text",
              "fields" : {
                "keyword" : {
                  "type" : "keyword",
                  "ignore_above" : 256

I am not really an elasticsearch person, I just do logstash, but that appears to set the type of [@version][hap_actconn], not [hap_actconn]


Thank you for looking in to this.
That was a copy paste error while I was creating the post. I have corrected it now. Thank you for spotting it.



Managed to solve the problem.
Though not sure exactly what was wrong.

All I had to do was change the :INT in grok pattern to :int . I also had to delete the old indexes.

Now my grok pattern looks like

But I'm having similar problem with my IP: fields. I guess the problem was there earlier but I did not notice the problem in-between the int fields !

If anyone have any suggestions, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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