Logstash not creating an index in elasticsearch

Below is my config file -

input {  
      file {
          path => "/home/pavan/Downloads/sample.csv"
	  type => "Sample"
          start_position => "beginning"
filter {  
    csv {
        columns => ['cdatetime', 'address', 'district', 'beat', 'grid', 'crimedescr', 'ucr_ncic_code', 'latitude', 'longitude']
        separator => ","

output {  
    elasticsearch {
        action => "index"
        host => "localhost"
        protocol => "http"
        index => "sample"
	cluster => "pavan"        
      stdout {
        codec => rubydebug

The problem is when I run bin/logstash -f sample.conf from terminal I get the following response Logstash startup completed but when I see the list of indices in Elasticsearch, it remains the same.

It'll be a sincedb issue, delete that and you should be good (see the file input docs).

Can you please be more specific as I'm still a beginner with Logstash.

Check out https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-inputs-file.html#plugins-inputs-file-sincedb_path

Sorry. It didn't solve my problem. Do you have any alternatives?

I'm sorry about the inconvenience Warkolm. I re-installed Logstash and after that I located all the .sincedb files which were in HOME directory and deleted it. After that my first index got created in elasticsearch but then when I try to index a new csv file, it fails. I again need to explicitly delete those sincedb files and index it again. Is there any way to autodelete .sincedb files?

Are you doing it into the same file?

Yeah.I'm just changing the path in the same .config file. Is that the problem?


Hope it will solve your problem
add sincedb_path => "/home/pavan/Downloads/dbflile"
it will create one file with name dbfile and this file keeps track of the current position of monitored log files.

input {
file {
path => "/home/pavan/Downloads/sample.csv"
type => "Sample"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/home/pavan/Downloads/dbflile"



Thanks Lee. It solved my problem.

Have the same problem, deleted the sincedb files but index still won't be created. Run logtsash with path to a logfile and there's no error in that file. Kinda blind to what's going on. Any ideas?

If the file input's ignore_older option doesn't help you, please start a new thread for your problem.

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