Logstash not logging

Thanks Mike,

That got me there in the end.

Adding the Java option got the log4j plugin working. The following command started Logstash and created logs:

logstash -f config\logstash.conf --path.logs /E:/ElasticStack/Logstash/logs/ --config.reload.automatic

I couldn't get logging working for the service, however it turned out I had the LS_SETTINGS_DIR environment variable set incorrectly. I had read INFO: Windows, Logstash and could not find log4j2 configuration which suggested using the unix style for the path. I changed it to a Windows style and it picked up the logstash.yml config.

The configuration setting I used in the yml file was:

path.logs: "//E://ElasticStack//Logstash//logs"

Thanks for your help with this.
