I am trying to configure logstash to push data from log files to elasticsearch, but logstash is not reading the log files specified in the file input.
When run in debug mode, I see this message - "Plugin not defined in namespace, checking for plugin file".
Part of my configuration file :
input {
beats {
type => beats
port => 5001
path => "/opt/application/proj/logs/prod-logs/proj.log.*"
type => "proj-logs"
start_position => "beginning"
Although beats is not configured yet, I want to test first with log files.
I have confirmed the file exists at the specified path, and there are no permission issues as well. I also tried modifying the log files to update its last modify time (to avoid any possible issue because of sincedb property), but it didn't work either.
There are no indices created in the elasticsearch, as no data being read by logstash.
What might be the possible issue, and what is the meaning of the message in the logs 'plugin not defined in namespace' ?
Some Lines from debug logs -
:message=>"Reading config file", :config_file=>"/images/ELKPKG/logstash-2.4.0/proj-funcANDapache-logstash.conf", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/config/loader.rb", :line=>"69", :method=>"local_config"}
:message=>"Plugin not defined in namespace, checking for plugin file", :type=>"input", :name=>"beats", :path=>"logstash/inputs/beats", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/plugin.rb", :line=>"86", :method=>"lookup"}
:message=>"Plugin not defined in namespace, checking for plugin file", :type=>"codec", :name=>"plain", :path=>"logstash/codecs/plain", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/plugin.rb", :line=>"86", :method=>"lookup"}
:message=>"Plugin not defined in namespace, checking for plugin file", :type=>"input", :name=>"file", :path=>"logstash/inputs/file", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/plugin.rb", :line=>"86", :method=>"lookup"}
:message=>"Plugin not defined in namespace, checking for plugin file", :type=>"input", :name=>"file", :path=>"logstash/inputs/file", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/plugin.rb", :line=>"86", :method=>"lookup"}
:message=>"config LogStash::Codecs::Plain/@charset = \"UTF-8\"", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/config/mixin.rb", :line=>"154", :method=>"config_init"}
:message=>"config LogStash::Inputs::File/@path = [\"/opt/application/proj/logs/prod-logs/proj.log.*\"]", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/config/mixin.rb", :line=>"154", :method=>"config_init"}
:message=>"config LogStash::Inputs::File/@type = \"proj-logs\"", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/config/mixin.rb", :line=>"154", :method=>"config_init"}
:message=>"config LogStash::Inputs::File/@start_position = \"beginning\"", :level=>:debug, :file=>"logstash/config/mixin.rb", :line=>"154", :method=>"config_init"}
Logstash Version : 2.4.0
Elasticsearch Version : 2.4.0
Any help/support would be appreciated.