Logstash not responding at my container bering logstash and kibana image

I am doing a POC at elasticsearch Kibana where I am trying to register my GCS(Google Cloud Storage) for log archiving

For same I am attempting to have a container at Docker Desktop of Elasticsearch and Kibana

For this I am using the below docker compose file

    image: elasticsearch:8.12.0
      - '9200:9200'
      - discovery.type=single-node
        soft: -1
        hard:   -1
    image: kibana:8.12.0
      - '5601:5601'


My logstash is unresponsive at http://localhost:9200/. As per documentation I should have received a json response at this URL. Kindly suggest where I could be going wrong

I have got my Kibana up on the exposed port

But my logstash is not getting up.

It is showing proper metrics though at Docker Desktop

Hi @aditya_rewari

A little confusing ...

  1. Nothing in your compose is about logstash... just elasticsearch and kibana so it is unclear why you are asking about logstash

  2. Your compose is not really valid as Elasticsearch 8.X will setup security automatically which you are not accounting for

  3. You need to decide which way you want to run secured or not secured... it seems that you want to run not secured which you can ... but at your own risk.

  4. You should really look at the official documents about running elasticsearch and kibana with docker compose...

If you want to run Elasticsearch and Kibana with absolutely NO security here is a sample compose... run at your own risk and do not expose to network or internet.

Here is a compose to run with no security

run with

$ TAG=8.12.1 docker-compose -f ./es-kb-no-security-compose.yml up

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